Sunday, September 9, 2018

First day of walking the Camino

Today was the first day of actually hiking the Camino. Left Sarria around 9 am and arrived in Portomarin about 3 pm, so about 6 hours including breaks and lunch. Covered about 14 miles.

Here’s what most of the trail looked like — mostly a country path through woods, but with lots of up and down hills.

Along the way, there was some company on the trail...

This is a typical town. The photo shows the Main Street... basically a wide path among two or three houses, with more cows than people. Any cars that come through drive between the buildings on this path.


The hike today was really interesting, but really exhausting. It felt great to finally reach Portomarin and get my boots off! This was the longest hiking day of the trip. Glad I’m past it.


  1. Wow. You had quite the day. I’m
    Glad to hear you are finished for the day. The town looks more rustic than I would have thought. Interesting company in your trail.

  2. Pretty wild! The first day of an amazing adventure. Rest up!
